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As a profession we have become afraid of our clients, much like parents who don’t discipline their children.

Joseph Condo

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I think this role may be a bit of a stretch.

People Magazine reports here that Simple Life star and professional spoiled rich brat, Paris Hilton, is being seriously considered for a role as Mother Theresa in a biopic about the Nobel Peace Prize winning Catholic nun who worked among Calcutta's poor.

Paris Hilton as a nun? Paris Hilton "acting" like she is relating to actual poor people? I think this role may just tax Hilton's acting abilities just a tad.

To repeat Keith Olberman's quote when Anna Nicole Simpson went to the Supreme Court, "The Apocalypse is upon us!"

My first thought was that Hollywood had sunk to a new low but then I noticed that it was an Indian director who was pushing this idea, so Hollywood, I guess I owe you an apology for thinking that anyone working in the Mecca of cinematic artistry could sink so low - or maybe the Indians just thought of it first.

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