Random Quote

About half the practice of a decent lawyer consists in telling would-be clients that they are damned fools and should stop.

Elihu Root

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Can it be that someone at Verizon Wireless reads HOWT? Apparently not.

I noticed that my Sitemeter logs have shown a number of page hits over the last couple of weeks to this post from Bedminster, New Jersey which just happens to be the corporate home of Verizon Wireless.

Now I am not taking credit for anything here - I'm sure it is just a coincidence - but there is some evidence beginning to surface that as of yesterday, Verizon Wireless may have stopped crippling the many features of the phones they sell including the new Motorola Razr V3 and some of the new LG models.

Nevertheless, it is nice to fantasize that one person (with a blog) might be able to make a difference.

Update: This was indeed a fantasy. As noted here, this rumor turned out to good to be true (scroll down to "Update #2"). The comments to the linked post also provide a plethora of epithets from less than satisfied Verizon Wireless customers.

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