Random Quote

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

About that membership in the Jailhouse Bar Association...."

Anyone who has ever done any criminal defense work can appreciate Ken's observations about jailhouse lawyers over at CrimLaw.

Although I was a prosecutor during most of my professional career, I did do a lot of court-appointed defense work for a few years and from both perspectives I agree with Chad's comment, that attorneys who defend indigent clients in criminal cases have the toughest and least appreciated job in law.

If a client had waved a section of the UCC under my nose convinced that it was the key to his defense for Grand Theft, I might have been tempted to say something like "but have you considered the application of section 3 of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?"

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