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The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.

Ulysses S. Grant

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Drink more beer and save gas (petroleum that is).

Finally, there'’s a byproduct of beer that doesn't involve throwing up, embarrassing behavior or splitting headaches the next morning. Coors Brewing Company is making fuel-grade ethanol from the byproducts of beer production, and will soon double the 1.5 million gallons/year that'’s currently possible. That'’s a small drop in the bucket compared to current fuel demands, but it sure beats throwing away the material. As Coors says about their capabilities, "We've always produced low-grade ethanol, so this was a logical step." I think Coors calls their low-grade ethanol "Coors Light."

I will make every effort to do my part in this important conservation effort.

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