The Age explains here why our friends down under who just recently (and very quietly) filled a seat on Australia's High Court, shouldn't feel so superior about their judicial selection process as they watch the attempted vivesection of John Roberts by the politicians and media on our side of the Pacific.
An excerpt:
But we should not be so smug. While our appointment process does not have the same problems as that of the United States, we also miss out on some of the benefits. In a sense we suffer from a problem at the opposite extreme: where they have too much scrutiny, we have too much secrecy.Suggesting that they are not exactly enamored of our selection process, the article goes on to say: "We can and should look at the flaws of the US system as a warning that a more open and public process brings its own problems.
So who is Susan Crennan, the new Australian High Court judge? Here is a description from the Melbourne Herald Sun: " AUSTRALIA'S new High Court judge is a grandmother who throws wild St Patrick's Day parties, complete with drums, and once accidentally turned off a power station."
Let John Roberts top that!
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