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If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be research.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Will law professors rule the world?

Believe it or not, it could happen.

As Jeffrey Lipshaw notes here in a post over at Concurring Opinions, it is possible that, this time next year, the two most powerful nations on the planet will be in the hands of former law professors.

Barrack Obama taught constitutional law for a short time at the University of Chicago Law School while Dmitri Medvedev, the heir presumptive to Vladimir Putin as President of Russia, also had a previous incarnation as a law professor.

I shudder to think of what the State of the Union address would look like with footnotes and after peer review.

Law professors (like judges) are generally not known for their comedic talent but in a comment to his own post, Professor Lipshaw imagines the following exchange between President Obama and President Medvedev:
Obama: How should we deal with nuclear testing?

Medvedev: 60% essay; 40% multiple choice.
There you have it, Jeffrey Lipshaw, Boston's answer to Jay Leno.

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