Random Quote

You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on.

Homer Simpson

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Censoring Santa.

Apparently in Australia, Santa Claus is barred from greeting children with his traditional "Ho, ho, ho" and instead must substitute "Ha, ha, ha." The ostensible reason is that the traditional greeting scares the children. Most suspect that the actual reason is that "ho" is also American slang and in that context, is a derogatory term for a woman.

I am more inclined to buy the unofficial reason because in my own experience small children are scared of Santa Claus, not because he says "Ho, ho, ho" but instead because he is a big, fat, hairy stranger in a red suit!

If political correctness is going to be the order of the [holi]day, I suggest that it might be more politically correct to stop using the word "ho" with respect to women lest we offend Santa.

Just call me a rebel with a Claus. (Okay, I'm sorry for that one but I just couldn't resist.)

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