The Vlaamse Opera (The Flemish Opera) is advertising its new production of "Siegfried" with a poster which includes a photo of a threatening Seung-Hui Cho. Cho is the man who murdered 32 of his fellow students at Virginia Tech in a rampage in April of this year.
I am not an opera fan and I suppose many opera companies are trying to fill seats by making the artistic medium more "relevant" but I don't find anything the least bit Wagnerian in the actions Cho and as far as I'm concerned, this poster is in very poor taste.
** Update - As of November 11, 2007, the picture of Cho pointing a gun had been removed from the opera's website.
*** Update #2 - As of November 26, 2007, the picture of Cho pointing his gun is not only back on the opera's website, it has been enlarged a bit.
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