Random Quote

They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist...

Last words of General John Sedgewick at the Battle of Spotslyvania Courthouse

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What does Wagner's operatic hero Seigfried have in common with a psychopathic mass murderer? I don't know either.

The Vlaamse Opera (The Flemish Opera) is advertising its new production of "Siegfried" with a poster which includes a photo of a threatening Seung-Hui Cho. Cho is the man who murdered 32 of his fellow students at Virginia Tech in a rampage in April of this year.

I am not an opera fan and I suppose many opera companies are trying to fill seats by making the artistic medium more "relevant" but I don't find anything the least bit Wagnerian in the actions Cho and as far as I'm concerned, this poster is in very poor taste.

** Update - As of November 11, 2007, the picture of Cho pointing a gun had been removed from the opera's website.

*** Update #2 - As of November 26, 2007, the picture of Cho pointing his gun is not only back on the opera's website, it has been enlarged a bit.

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