Random Quote

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Teacher sues kids over movie depicting evil teddy bears and boys saying "yeowwww."

A math teacher is suing four boys for making a video that depicts "evil teddy bears" telling other toys to attack a math teacher with the same name as his. He was apparently traumatized by the violence which according to Jackie Suess, a lawyer for the boys, "was literally stuffed animals being manipulated by the boys, walking around going 'yeoowww' and talking in funny voices, very juvenile.".

I think that it is both ironic and appropriate that the lawyer for these kids is named "Suess."

Hat tip to Above the Law.


That Guy said...

You'd think that the teacher would be able to roll his eyes a bit more at the antics of his elementary students.

Anonymous said...

evil teddy bears- cool!!! I must take a mental note of this for future reference. That teacher sounds weird- getting stressed up about a movie? Not good.

Anonymous said...

evil teddy bears- cool!!! I must take a mental note of this for future reference. That teacher sounds weird- getting stressed up about a movie? Not good.