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I was brought up to believe that Scotch whiskey would need a tax preference to survive in competition with Kentucky bourbon.

Justice Hugo Black

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Should New Orleans be rebuilt?

With the city virtually a total loss, this question is being asked in the media and in the blogoshere. After all, the location of the city by the French never made a whole lot of sense. It is hot, humid, dirty, corrupt and even before Katrina, a lot of its industry had moved out of the city.

Despite all this, in my humble opinion the answer to the question is "Yes!"

With all of its faults, the city has always had a soul to go with its completely unique personality and 300 years of history and culture. I doubt that it will ever again be what it was but just bulldozing what is left would be a shame. It will take a long time but given the examples of Chicago (rebuilt after a fire destroyed most of it in 1871) and San Francisco (rebuilt after it was pretty much leveled in the 1906 earthquake), I think NOLA still has a future.

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