Random Quote

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Abraham Lincoln

Monday, August 17, 2009

Adios. Adieu. Later. Auf Wiedersehen. Ciao. Na razie. Proshyai. Zai jian.

The fact that some of my blogging contemporaries such as Skelly at A&C and Feddie at SA are hanging it up have forced me to confront the fact that I have been largely neglecting this blog for the past year or so. Indeed, the fact that Ken had to point out that they were gone shows just how much I have been away from the blogosphere lately.

The reality that is staring me in the face is that I have pretty much moved on from blogging and my off-the-bench interests lie elsewhere these days. My father always told me that if I don't have anything to say, I shouldn't say anything at all and I just haven't had much to say lately that anybody would be interested in hearing so I think it is time ride into the sunset (I know that I tried this once before and I came back but I really think that this time I have gotten it out of my system).

I plan to continue lurking around the blogosphere and I will continue to be an avid reader of the likes of Steve, Ken, Greg, Glenn, Howard and Ann, to name just a few.

I'll leave the posts up since a lot of folks still apparently hit the archives.
