Random Quote

You can observe a lot by just watching.

Yogi Berra

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Unidentified burglar 0, vigilante gator 1.

Sometimes you're just better off staying in bed instead of going out on a crime spree.

It seems an unidentified thief was (allegedly) burglarizing some cars behind the Miccosukee tribe's resort and casino in Dade County, Florida.

His choice of criminal venue was singularly uninspired. It seems that some witnesses called the local Native-American gendarmes and the boys in blue arrived on the scene and gave chase. Hoping to elude the Miccosukee tribal police, the suspect dove into a pond behind the resort where he was greeted by a 9-foot alligator unfamiliar with the concept of Miranda rights. Unfortunately for the suspected burglar, the gator was of the aggressive and unpleasant variety, and thus, a budding career criminal came to an unexpected and grisly end.

Unfortunately for the vigilante gator, Florida fish & wildlife reps saw to it that he followed his erstwhile prey into the afterlife.

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