I started this blog just over one year ago and I did it because I was intrigued by this new medium where you can share your thoughts and opinions with the world and I thought "What the hell. I'll take the plunge and play in the sandbox called the blogosphere for a while."
It has been quite a ride and for a good part of this blog's run, I tried hard to emulate prolific bloggers like Skelly, Ken, Steve and Howard. However, keeping a quality blog (not that this one qualifies as such) is a lot of work and in the last several months, in addition to an increase in my court's caseload, I have put a lot of other extracurricular irons in the fire in the form of collaborating on an appellate practice textbook and agreeing to take on a judicial study committee on the quality of indigent representation and a task force on technology in the judiciary. As a result the frequency of posting and probably also the quality of the posts, have suffered.
For a while now, I have been avoiding facing the reality that I have come to a crossroads where I have to decide whether to allow this blog to languish with just an occasional post like this blog or to just go ahead and end it quickly and for those 30 or so of you from all over the world who make HOWT a daily visit (at least according to my Sitemeter logs), I think I probably owe you a clean break.
So with Eminem waiting in the wings, I think that like Paladin, the western character who was the inspiration for the name of this blog, it is time for me to ride off into the sunset.