Random Quote

If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.

John Wayne

Sunday, February 05, 2006

42 Meme Tag

Ken at CrimLaw has tagged me with this so I suppose I have to respond before I can settle down to the Super Bowl. Here goes:

Four jobs I've had:
YMCA Camp Counselor
Machine shop drill press operator
Truck driver

Four movies I can watch over and over:
Animal House
Independence Day
O Brother, Where Art Thou
National Treasure

Four places I've lived:
Coronado, CA
Pine Valley, CA
Cleveland, OH
York, PA

Four TV shows I like:

Four places I’ve vacationed:
Yellowstone Park
Dubrovnik, Yugoslovia
St. Petersburg, Russia
Stowe, VT

Four of my favorite foods:
Country ham biscuits
5-alarm chili
Roast turkey with all the trimmings
Chocolate-bourbon pecan pie

Four websites I visit daily:
How Appealing
The Trivia Hound

Four places I'd rather be:
Sipping a libation on the porch of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island
Sneaking through the woods, paintball gun in hand
Biking around Bermuda

Four bloggers I'm tagging:
The Movie Snob


Anonymous said...

I went to Dubrovnik a few years back (took a day-long ferry ride from Split) and was there for New Year's Eve. One of the greatest vacations I've ever had; everyone was friendly and I had the best lasagna ever in a little bar on a back street in the old town. They told us not to venture into the hills surrounding the town, though, because of the danger of unexploded land mines.

How was it back in the Yugoslavia days?

Have Opinion Will Travel said...

I was in Yugoslavia back in 1979 - when Croatia and Bosnia were still part of it and before they started shooting at each other. It was beautiful back then.