Random Quote

If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside.

Robert X. Cringely

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I'm going out on a limb here and guess that the odds of this marriage working out aren't very good.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What ’s in a name? That which we call a rose gang by any other name ..... (Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene 2)

As you read this post you should really have Leonard Berstein's music from the soundtrack of "West Side Story," the 1961 musical movie version of the Romeo and Juliet saga, running through your head.

The Denver Post reported the other day that the parents of a 4 year-old boy fought to the point of one threatening to kill the other. Sadly, that isn't terribly unusual. The wrinkle here is that the fight was over which gang the child would join.

Instead of Capulet v. Montague think Jets v. Sharks (hence the theme music) because these former lovers are feuding about whether the progeny of their star-crossed union will grow up to become a Crip like Mom or a Westside Baller like Dad.

Unlike the musical, this story ends (for now) with Romeo/Tony pleading guilty to disorderly conduct and Juliet/Maria presumably teaching her "YG" (Young Gangster) son a little "312" (Crip Love).

Saturday, April 12, 2008

15 houses that will cause you to stop and stare.

Here is a slideshow of 15 pretty amazing houses that defy physics and probably local zoning laws if they were built anywhere else.

My personal favorite is this "upside down" house from Poland that was apparently built as a commentary on the old Communist system.

From PointClickHome.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

This law school is to moot court and trial advocacy competitions what UCLA under John Wooden used to be to college basketball.

I have judged a lot of moot court competitions over the years at a number of different law schools and I have noticed that a small, little known law school from Texas always seems to have a team at every tournament I judge and those teams always seem to do very well.

Now it seems that congratulations are in order as South Texas College of Law becomes the first law school in America to notch 100 wins in advocacy competitions.

South Texas' Advocacy Director and Associate Dean, T. Gerald Treece has emerged as the John Wooden of American trial and appellate coaches. Year after year, South Texas just seems to roll over other schools in national competitions. In addition to having Dean Treece, I also understand that a big part of the secret to their success is the commitment of the faculty and a great many alumni who volunteer many hours to coach and judge a great many practice rounds for each of the teams they send to moot court and trial advocacy competitions.

Pretty impressive!