I guess I am honored to be ranked as one of the "blogs that judges read" by the
newsletter of the
National Judicial College, but in view of the very valid concerns about judges blogging expressed in the article, I think a brief explanation is in order.
I know judges, especially appellate judges, are expected to be hothouse flowers who do nothing but read briefs, cases, statutes, treatises and law review articles while contemplating the intricacies of the Constitution. In reality we are real people with a host of other interests.
As the description at the top of this page announces, this blog represents a vehicle for passing along items I find interesting and for expressing some observations or even an occasional rant about something that bothers me. Having said that, I recognize that the Canons of Judicial Conduct require that I must be very careful about the subjects that I blog about and what I say in my posts. Anyone who troubles to scroll through the archives of this blog will discover that in addition to the law, I am interested in many other things and I have tried and I hope succeeded in 1) entertaining my readers with amusing items on a variety of subjects that I find all over the place; 2) sharing my interests in all things geeky, especially in the area of "green" tech; and 3) in some small way, occasionally making a positive contribution to the dialog about professionalism in the practice of law, particularly in the appellate arena.
I started this blog as an outlet for me and I was frankly surprised at the reaction
when I suspended it last year. Although my posting frequency has slowed lately as the workload of my day job has picked up, I plan to continue on in the same vein and I welcome any comments, questions and constructive criticism.